Sunday 14 December 2008

Sunday 14 December

Well i went out today. First long run for a fortnight. I decided to do a loop i did when i was training for the Nottingham half. Got my stuff ready the night before, drink in the fridge, clothes in the bathroom ready so's not to disturb he who's always on the computer. Garmin charging up and phone on charge. Set off early doors and blow me if i didn't forget to start the Garmin until i was half way down the road.
I get really frustrated with my Garmin. I know it's a fantastic piece of kit, but it's me. I can't see the small letters on the dial properly. Anyway, I got part way round and looked to see which lap i was up to. Now according to the Garmin i was up to lap 9 which should mean that I've done 8 miles and am on my 9th. NO it didn't. When I was nearing home I looked again at the Garmin, lap 13 great i thought I'd nearly done a half marathon. NOT SO. I eagerly plugged in the Ant sport to check my superb results (after my stretches and porridge - more about that later). 8.59 miles WHAT? A bit of a conflict here thought I so straight onto to check it. 9.74. A bit of a difference, but not exactly what I thought I'd done. Note to self to check instruction manual again.

Back to the porridge. I've always hated porridge, ever since I used to make it for mum, in fact before that when I was nursing and we used to have to slop it out to the poor patients for breakfast. It made me heave even thinking of it. The horrible gloopy mass of grey lumpy slop. Don't get me wrong, I've tried it all ways to try to get to like it, but nothing seemed to work until - ta da the dawn of the Oatibix. I love them. Tried them hot one day and it tasted like - yes you've guessed it - porridge. So I thought well if i can stand that I can stand porridge so yesterday I made some with full cream milk - lots of it and honey. My first taste wasn't so good but I persevered and ate the full bowl. (sounds a bit three bears ish). So when I got back from my run today I put on the porridge whilst I did my stretches and re-hydrated. I quite liked it. So now I'm a porridge convert. Hooray, I can get slow release energy at long last.

Another note to self not to eat that Christmas cake and mince pies. I've put 3lbs on this week and am not happy with self. I've got to lose 4lbs before Christmas or my trainer will not be happy and you know what that means! Youngest daughter coming for dinner so must go and peel the veg and get the chicken on.

ps so pleased about the X factor result. Alex was my winner from the start. What a voice!

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